Welcome to the OzKilts Blog. We’re excited to share our passion for all things kilt with you. We’re sure if our Kilts could talk they would have some amazing stories to tell! Check back here for specials, funny anecdotes, updates and news.
A Book about Kilts? YES!
That the kilt has become a famous garment worldwide is a shining fact. But, did you know that this humble garment is so popular that there is a book dedicated to it?...
Using Kilt at Work Every Day
The kilt is no more a costume of the Highlanders alone. The garment has pervaded into the fashion world, and has made it its own. A kilt is now a captivating dress for...
What Material is Used to Make a Utility Kilt?
Looking for a Utility Kilt that not just looks great on you, but is also practical to wear? Ensuring your kilt has the right fabric is important to ensure you're not...
Buying a Great Fitting Kilt
A kilt is not just a piece of clothing. It is a lifestyle statement. And we can tell you about a number of celebrities who believe that already and have more than one...
Caring for Your Utility Kilt
A kilt is not just another piece of clothing. It deserves the care you would give to a formal suit or party wear. In fact, you may have heard stories of traditional...
Gift a Utility Kilt
You need to gift someone you know on his birthday. What would you probably choose? A watch, perfumes, ties? All these are traditional gifting choices, and you will...
The Canberra 48 Hour Race
The Canberra 48 Hour Race is one of the 48hr, 24hr, 12hr, 6hr, 100k and marathon track races that are conducted over a 400-metre track at the Australian Institute of...
Things to Consider when Buying a Utility Kilt
A kilt is a kilt is a kilt. No, it isn’t. If you are the kind of guy who knows what being in fashion is all about, the right kilt can give your personality the winning...
Four Awesome Utility Kilts for Men
The good old kilt is making a rapid comeback, and how! This traditional garment is becoming a preferred wear for any occasion, and for all seasons. Whether it is a...