Thanks for visiting us at OZKILTS.
Welcome to my humble ‘About Us’ page, where you can learn a little about where we started, and what we stand for…
My name is Eden Brownlee and I’m the CEO and Founder of OZKILTS.
As you might have guessed, I’ve been wearing Utility Kilts for years now, and OzKilts was born from this passion, and from desire to
Deliver quality, functional Utility Kilts to the world!

See, the problem was,
With the influx of overseas manufacture the Utility Kilt industry has been flooded with terrible quality products that you wouldn’t even want to wear at a costume party, to make things worse, a bunch of apparently ‘local manufacturer’s’ started popping up all over, who actually just ship you the exact same poor quality items from countries like India, China and Pakistan. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am NOT against using overseas manufacture, however, there needs to be rigid quality control, and the design specification documents used should represent quality (like the front Z apron is often removed to cut down on the material used).
To add to these frustrations, often the shipping costs your first born (but they don’t tell you that until you go to checkout… how frustrating), and after paying an arm and a leg for your Kilt (or getting it ‘cheap’ and getting what you pay for), then you’re then faced with a huge wait time for shipping!
This just wasn’t good enough…
And so, OzKilts was forged out of these frustrations. I’ve slaved over many a coffee or other delicious beverage working with fashion designers, creating branding, manufacturer relationships, and everything else in between to create a quality range of products and a smooth ordering process, making buying your next quality utility kilt a fast and fun adventure!
It’s my own (and my teams) goal to bring Quality handmade Utility Kilts throughout the world. We offer quality updates on existing patterns, and are eager to release new styles with FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS (because seriously, who gets excited over working out shipping costs?!?!?).
So Kilt Up Men of the World,
The women seriously love it, and you will too! See you all on the dance-floors, hiking trails, workplaces, and everywhere in between!
While I’ve got you, I just wanted to throw out a quick thank you to all our models from all of our OZKILTS photoshoots, as well as our wonderful photographers! Without your support OZKILTS would not be where it is today! Also a big shout out to my wonderful Partner Angie who has been helping with our current Marketing to ensure we can Kilt as much of the world as possible.
From Left to Right: Burkey, Pete, Eden (thats me!), The Hoffman, Danny & Dan.
Behind The Camera: Steve
A BIG Thanks everyone for a hilarious day, and some totally amazing photos! – Eden