The Kilted Coaches bring the gym to you with their online training app. You can access the training anytime, anywhere. This hopefully brings you maximum results! You need just two kettlebells to complete all of this training.
The Kilted Coaches are renowned for helping people to achieve their fitness goals, so it’s no surprise to see that these two have the muscle to back up their claims. Their programme includes a full LEaN approach (or Lifestyle, Exercise, and Nutrition).
Of course, we are all about working out in kilts and making healthy choices. It’s not mandatory to work out in a kilt, but it’s a lot more comfortable. These guys have points in our book for kettlebells and the kilts!
Why The Kilted Coaches?
The Kilted Coaches have a great reputation. The resistance provided combined with the ability to move the kettlebell safely in a variety of ways around the torso creates a complete workout. If these things don’t wear you out, nothing will!
Perhaps more importantly for the modern city dweller, kettlebells don’t take up too much space. You can easily fit them in your living room. They are also small and sturdy enough to take outside.
Kettlebell exercises make up some of the toughest workouts in the business. These two coaches prefer taking a relaxed approach to their kettlebells. That makes the workouts easier to stick to over the long term.
The 12-Week Plan to Glory
If you sign up for the free trial on their site, the Kilted Coaches automatically enrol you in their 12-week makeover plan. Embark on this journey to transform the way you exercise, eat, and think. The programme progresses from beginner exercises to more advanced ones, but promises that people with prior experience will also be challenged.
When you complete the three-month plan, you can start to work through the video library. The workouts will constantly surprise your muscle. For many bodybuilders, this is the preferred method of keeping workouts interesting as well as effective.
We have to note how good the food looked on this website as well! Colourful and nutritious recipes are part of this team’s programme. You will find recipes on their app as well as workouts.
Now for the Important Part – Kilts!
What kilt should you wear? We prefer one of our Utility Kilts. The Active Utility Kilt is breathable and flexible. It also has detachable pockets. It’s great for working out whether you are enjoying the great outdoors or working out in your living room.
The Kilted Coaches have two additional training programmes, both of which you can complete wearing one of our kilts. One programme is for building muscle mass, while the other is for developing running skills. Whether you are hitting the gym or hitting the trails, we hope you enjoy working out in a new kilt from Ozkilts!
The Kilted Coaches have a website here and a YouTube channel here. Check them out online to hear about their approach. You can find their offerings when you scroll to the bottom of their webpage.
Ready to buy your kilt? Explore our collection here.